Module 6: Production, Trade, and Logistics


  1. Trends in Production and SCM

    Global Trends in Production / Planning

    Trends on location/shoring decisions (on-offshoring / near-farshoring / reshoring), Advanced manufacturing (automation, programmable machines, CNC), Production changeability / responsive manufacturing, Sustainable production / manufacturing, Additive manufacturing, Distributed manufacturing / production and supply chain coordination

    Supply Chain Trends, Production and SC Trends and Structures in Turkey, Description of the above trends in the Turkish industrial / manufacturing context, Production and SC Trends and their Impact on SC Organisation, Structure and Performance. Impact on: Sourcing decisions, Inventory management, Transportation and distribution, Logistics / SCM performance


  2. Drivers and Barriers to International Trade and SCM

    Explaining International Trade and Trade Policies, Benefits and Downsides of International Trade, Trends in Geopolitics, Globalisation. Trade Flows: Global: Patterns of global demand, supply chain trends, Regional trade flows and agreements. Barriers to International Trade: Tariffs / Quotas, Non-Tariff Barriers. Legal / Institutional Barriers: Investment Regulations, Product Standards, Environmental Restrictions. Economic / Financial Barriers: Currency Fluctuations. Operational Barriers: Safety regulations. Political Barriers: Political Risks, Foreign Policy, Sanctions / Trade Embargoes, Cross-border issues. Impacts on SC Organisation – Ways to Overcome Barriers


  3. Trends affecting Logistics and Transport Services
  4. Outsourcing of Logistics Services, Distribution Logistics, Relevance of Logistics in Economic Policy. Transportation System Components and Characteristics, Transportation in the Logistics Management Decision-Making Framework, Trends in the Demand for Transportation Services, Transportation Characteristics of Commodity Groups and Appropriate Transportation Modes.Level of service requirements: flexibility, desired level of service, cost, delivery time and variance, product loss and damage, batch size etc

Gernot Liedtke

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Gernot Liedtke

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transport Research Commercial Transport